Colgate Oral Health Network

Proper infection prevention and control is a key component of safe dental care. During this webinar we will address transmission risk, transmissibility, recent learnings and focus on disease prevention. We will discuss several core infection control protocols, the scientific basis for these, appropriate steps and tips, and look to the future. This webinar is based on current recommendations, regulations and relevant standards.

Participants will learn:

  • Describe types of transmission, and transmissibility, of microorganisms and disease
  • List and describe key protocols discussed during the webinar
  • Review options for protocols and products, and considerations in their selection based on current recommendations, regulations and the underlying science


Fiona Collins

Fiona Collins BDS, MBA, MA, FPFA

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Dr. Fiona Collins is a published author, editor, consultant, and presenter. Her topics focus on infection control; risk assessment, prevention and management of oral diseases and conditions; OSHA; and, dental materials. Fiona has presented nationally and internationally, and as a faculty member at OSAP Boot Camps. She works as a consultant for Dental Advisor, and is the CE editor for Dental Learning. Dr. Collins is the ADA representative to the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI), a member of ADA Standards working groups, OSAP, and a Fellow of the Pierre Fauchard Academy.

"Back to the Future: Basics and Updates in Infection Control" has been planned and implemented in accordance with the standards of the AGD Pace and is supported by funds received from Colgate Oral Pharmaceuticals Inc. Tribune Group GmbH is a recognized AGD Pace provider. At the end of the webinar, after passing the C.E. Quiz, you will be able to download your AGD Pace C.E. Certificate.